Social Security Disability Payments Chart 2024 in New York Image

The Social Security disability benefits pay chart 2024 in New York offers vital information for individuals facing disabilities. At Fusco, Brandenstein & Rada, P.C., we recognize these benefits’ critical role in supporting our clients’ financial stability and quality of life. Applying for disability benefits can be challenging, but understanding the payment structures is crucial for those seeking assistance.

This comprehensive guide will summarize the three main disability programs available to New York residents—State Disability Benefits, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). We’ll explore their unique payment structures, eligibility requirements, and how they can impact your financial situation in 2024.

Whether you’re applying for benefits for the first time or reassessing your current payments, this information will help you make informed decisions about your disability support options in New York.

New York Disability Benefits Overview

Three main disability programs serve New York residents:

  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
  • State Disability Benefits

Each program has unique eligibility requirements and benefit calculations. What is the maximum social security benefit per month? Let’s explore the payment details for each.

Social Security Disability Benefits Pay Chart 2024

This is a summary of the payment details for each disability program for New York residents.


  • Average Benefit = $608.38 per month
  • Maximum Benefit = $943 per month
  • Duration = $608.38 per month


  • Average Benefit = $1,540.57 per month
  • Maximum Benefit = $3,822 per month
  • Duration = Until retirement

State Disability:

  • Average Benefit = 50% of average weekly wage
  • Maximum Benefit = $170 per week
  • Duration = 26 weeks

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in New York

SSI is a needs-based federal program that provides financial assistance to disabled individuals with limited income and resources. Here’s what you should know:

  • Average monthly benefit: $608.38
  • Maximum monthly benefit: $943
  • Duration: Until retirement age

The SSI benefit calculation uses this formula:

Monthly SSI benefit = maximum federal benefit rate – your countable income

For 2024, the maximum federal benefit rate is $943. You’ll receive a maximum amount of $943 monthly if you have no other income. Other income sources may reduce your benefit amount.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) in New York

SSDI is a federal program that provides long-term disability benefits to workers who have paid into the Social Security system. The payment amount depends on your work history and Social Security tax contributions. Key points include:

  • Average monthly benefit: $1,540.57
  • Maximum monthly benefit: $3,822
  • Duration: Until retirement age

The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses a complex formula to determine your benefit amount. They consider your Average Indexed Monthly Earnings (AIME) from up to 35 years of work history.

To get an accurate estimate of your potential SSDI benefits, create an account on This will show your estimated benefit amount and confirm your eligibility.

State Disability Benefits in New York

New York’s state disability program offers short-term financial support for individuals with off-the-job injuries or illnesses.

  • Benefit amount: 50% of your average weekly wage
  • Maximum payment: $170 per week
  • Duration: Up to 26 weeks

The program calculates your average weekly wage based on your last eight weeks of work. If you’re unemployed when you become disabled, these benefits may replace unemployment insurance.

Qualifying for Disability Benefits in New York

Each program has specific eligibility requirements:


  • Your condition prevents you from working for at least one year
  • You have limited income and assets


  • Your condition prevents you from working for at least one year
  • You’ve worked five out of the last 10 years (for most applicants)

State Disability:

  • Your disability occurred off the job
  • You’re under the care of a qualified medical professional

Applying for Multiple Disability Programs

You can apply for multiple disability programs simultaneously. You’re unlikely to receive benefits from more than one program at a time, however. State benefits typically expire before federal benefits begin due to lengthy processing times.

Applying for both SSDI and SSI can be advantageous. SSDI usually offers higher payments, while SSI provides immediate access to health insurance through Medicaid.

How a Disability Lawyer Can Help

Social Security Disability Payments Chart 2024 in New York Image 2

Navigating the disability benefits system can be challenging. A qualified disability lawyer can:

  • Gather medical records
  • Submit necessary paperwork
  • Represent you at disability hearings

Working with a lawyer can triple your chances of winning benefits. At Fusco, Brandenstein & Rada, P.C., we work on a contingency basis. This means you only pay if we win your case.

Let Our Disability Lawyer Help with Your Disability Claim

Understanding the Social Security disability benefits pay chart 2024 for New York is crucial for maximizing your benefits. The New York Social Security disability attorneys at Fusco, Brandenstein & Rada, P.C. can guide you through the application process and fight for the benefits you deserve. Contact us online or at 516-496-0400 for a free consultation. Our team of experienced attorneys will answer your questions and help you win the disability benefits you deserve.

Related Posts:

What Is the SSDI Approval Rate by Age?

What Does Social Security Disability Pending Status Mean?

Last Updated : August 28, 2024
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